Laboratory Investigations and Probeware

In physics at Lewiston High School, each unit starts with a laboratory investigation. Students design the experiment, carry it out using Vernier probeware and other equipment, and analyze the data on computers using Graphical Analysis to construct mathematical models of the phenomena observed. These models are then developed throughout the rest of the unit through application to new problems. Here are lists of equipment available in room C129: Interfaces and Sensors (including experiments by units).

B1. Skills and Traits of Scientific Inquiry

Performance Indicators & Descriptors

Students methodically plan, conduct, analyze data from, and communicate results of in-depth scientific investigations, including experiments guided by a testable hypothesis.

a. Identify questions, concepts, and testable hypotheses that guide scientific investigations.
b. Design and safely conduct methodical scientific investigations, including experiments with controls.
c. Use statistics to summarize, describe, analyze, and interpret results.
d. Formulate and revise scientific investigations and models using logic and evidence.
e. Use a variety of tools and technologies to improve investigations and communications.
f. Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and models using scientific criteria.
g. Communicate and defend scientific ideas.


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